You Don’t Have to Be Harry Potter to Perform Magic by They Call Me Mummy

BonBon Break

You Don’t Have to Be Harry Potter to Perform Magic

~:: They Call Me Mummy ::~

You don't have to be Harry Potter to Perform Magic

Little Man said this to me, matter-of-factly, as he sat in bed waiting for me to read him his nightly instalment of Harry Potter. Clearly this wasn’t going to be our usual goodnight routine. I climbed in next to him and he lay on his side with his head in the crook of my arm (perfect position for back tickles) and continued:

Michelle Lewsen[1]About Michelle:
  When Michelle is not drowning under a mountain of laundry, she writes commercials and yells (gently and encouragingly) at her children. She loves her three little people more than she ever believed was possible. Oh, and her house is not Pinterest-worthy.  You can find Michelle via FacebookPinterest or Twitter.



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