Too Much Chatter by A Bittersweet Existence

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Too Much Chatter by A Bittersweet Existence

How do you handle the noise around you? Not just the screeching ambulance or the phone ringing. Not just the news that is inundated with all sorts of madness and badness. Not just the whining children or sullen spouse whose noise is no more than grunts. But how do you handle the noise that gets into your home, tells you you’re parenting incorrectly, tells you your child should have on a coat, you should have on a hat, spanking is wrong, breast is best, mommy shouldn’t have wine in her coffee cup. How do you handle that? I tend to wish everyone would just be quiet awhile. You don’t have all the answers, neither do I. But I do have a few things I may do differently from you and I simply don’t need to hear any noise about it.

1521728_10202744141826538_1719680253_nABOUT DAWANA: Hi, I’m Dawana. I’m a teacher and blogger, married with two small children. I write about them because they can’t read. I have ten brothers and sisters. It’s pretty friggin’ amazing. I had (have?) post-partum depression, like really bad. Was diagnosed with clinical depression a.k.a. Major Depressive Disorder and put on 3 different types of meds- all of which had horrible effect on my body. I’m not on meds at the moment…but that could change at any time. I get super nervous when I drive under an overpass- every time, doesn’t matter how many times I do it. I worry it’s gonna collapse. My heart always skips a beat. I’m very concerned about the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser’s cleaning capabilities. Because magic. Creepy magic.

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