The Final Nap by Full of It

Aside from having to rush home like a maniac to get your child her daytime rest, there are few things more delicious than your child’s nap. It’s a time to catch up on work, chores or gasp! even get some sleep yourself. But eventually you start to see clues that that little sweet spot in the day is coming to an end. Perhaps he’s harder to get to sleep midday, or with a nap, bedtime becomes a battle worthy of a scene in Gladiator. When the napping phase has ended, a new chapter of childhood, and motherhood begins.
ABOUT GINA: Gina holds the titles of wife, mom, former dancer, blogger, butt-wiper, paper-airplane maker, princess costumer, snack connoisseur, pillow fort architect, and house D.J. You can read more of her babbling at her blog Full of it.
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