The Easiest (and Most Powerful) Way to Give This Holiday Season
Welcome to December! In recent years, we’ve fallen into a pattern of focusing on what we want for Christmas, but truly, the spirit of the holidays is to give. We can give to our families, friends, communities and even those far away who are in need. We give because we can and because we can, we should.
We have chosen WaterAid as our spotlight non-profit this month because they are helping mothers and babies around the world. This month we will be sharing their stories.
Living without safe water and sanitation causes water-related diseases and unnecessary deaths of young children, keeps children out of school, stops women from working, robs whole communities of dignity and traps families in poverty. Find out more.
WaterAid works in the world’s poorest countries helping communities to set up and manage practical and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene projects. We also campaign locally and internationally to change policy and practice to ensure water and sanitation’s vital role in reducing poverty is recognized. Learn more.
Safe water, improved hygiene and sanitation transform lives. When children’s health improves, they are able to attend school. When women are freed from the burden of water collection, they have more time to work to earn an income and grow food. Families are able to take their first steps out of poverty. Read more.
Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to interview WaterAid’s CEO, Sarina Prabasi. You can listen in here on STITCHER – LIBSYN or iTunes. I highly recommend you do, her stories really give a beautiful overview of the impact WaterAid makes in the world.
Now for the giving. Yes, we have given by texting, mailing in checks and throwing coins into red buckets. Technology has its highs and lows, but when it comes to giving to your favorite organizations, like our December sponsor, WaterAid America, social media have made Giving Tuesday a breeze.
If you would like to give via Facebook, just click into this Facebook post and leave a comment with #donate and $___ (ex: #donate $25). It’s that easy! You will be sent a confirmation.
If you would like to give via Twitter, just RT this tweet:
It’s #GivingTuesday! RT this tweet & finalize your pledge to #donate $10 to @WaterAidAmerica & your gift will be doubled today only!
— BonBon Break (@BonBonBreak) December 1, 2015
It’s that easy.
Keep in mind, you don’t have to limit your giving to Tuesday (although all donations will be MATCHED on GIVING TUESDAY), this lovely little trick will be available year round, but if you like to give the “old fashioned” way, just click on the banner below to help make a difference.