ASK DR. G: Table Manners for Kids. By Kids.
Table manners. Ugh.
This feels like a constant battle, and not always (OK, not usually) one I feel like having. But then we go to someone else’s house for a meal and it’s like I see my kids through other people’s eyes. And I’m horrified! Use your fork. Use your napkin. Use a plate! Since most important relationships (friends, mentors, bosses, fiance’s parents…) are solidified over a meal, I do want my kids to know how to behave at a table.
What manners can kids really learn at what age?
OK, I totally cheated here and just asked my boys. Even easier, I got the news anchor on our CBS station to ask them. You might be surprised at what they recommend! And if you don’t think your kids will want to hear this from you either, make them watch. Then they can just blame my kids for the new rules!
ABOUT Dr. G: Deborah Gilboa, MD is a Family Physician, mom of 4 boys, international speaker, and author. She developed the “3 R’s of Parenting” to empower parents to raise respectful, responsible, and resilient kids. Her new book released September 2014, Get the Behavior You Want… Without Being the Parent You Hate! She is a frequent contributor to ABC, CBS, WQED, Huffington Post, Parenting Magazine, and others. Check out her free downloadable tools to make your parenting more effective!
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