Breaking the Code: The Secret to Effectively Communicating with a 10-Year-Old by On the Go Momma

Breaking the Code: The Secret to Effectively Communicating with a 10-Year-Old
~:: On the Go Momma ::~
“Rodger that. Over and out.” {Beep} I replied through the black holes of the military-like device. Only a few more seconds squeaked by until I again heard the familiar loud buzz of the walkie talkies. {Br-rri-innng} “Mom?” My daughter announced. “One ring means: I have a question. Two rings means: I’m finished. Got it?” {Beep}
ABOUT KATE: Kate Fineske is a busy, on-the-go, not-so-perfect, sometimes forgetful (yet well meaning) mom of 3. She is the author of On-the-Go Momma and a staff member with the National Association of Mothers’ Centers (NAMC) where part of her duties include acting as the primary contributor to Mothers Central – The Parenting Conversations Blog of the NAMC. In her spare time she teaches graphic design to college students (and obsessives about her next vacation to the beach!).
Follow Kate on Twitter, like On-the-Go Momma on Facebook and also visit her on Pinterest to keep up with her busy life as a parent, wife, blogger, educator, graphic artist and volunteer.