Printable Sewing Cards Activity For Kids by Handmade Charlotte

BonBon Break

Printable Sewing Cards Activity For Kids

~:: Handmade Charlotte ::~

Printable Sewing Cards ActivityIf you’re a child of the 70s, you may remem­ber learn­ing to sew using the old chip­board cut-outs. Here’s an updated ver­sion using free printable sewing cards with fun illus­tra­tions and super cute hairstyles. Simply stitch them up and stick them up for super fun wall decor. Head to Handmade Charlotte to download templates for Betty Bouf­fant, Hazel Bob, Ida Braids, Sey­mour Spike  and to follow the easy-to-follow illustrated directions.

ABOUT HANDMADE CHARLOTTE: I’m a vin­tage scout who loves design for kids, liv­ing on a farm with my hus­band and our five chil­dren (& ever-changing menagerie of animals). Launched in 2009, Hand­made Char­lotte is a daily design and DIY crafts blog that focuses on kids & fam­i­lies. The site fea­tures a daily dose of DIY projects, party ideas, and design from around the world. Named one of the Top 50 Design Blogs for Moms by, the site has been fea­tured in Martha Stew­art Liv­ing, Bet­ter Homes and Gar­dens, HGTV,, Huff­in­g­ton Post, Busi­ness Insider, and more.


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