10 Ways Being Pregnant With a Third is Way Different

I’m pregnant with my third baby. Let me tell you. This experience is way different.
1). I no longer troll Baby Center birth boards. With my first, I was addicted to reading what other mamas were saying about the buns in their ovens. The concerns. The questions. The breast vs. bottle, circumcision vs. no circumcision, deli-meat eating shaming, etc. etc. etc. debates. Now I barely visit the conversation. Don’t get me wrong; this site was a lifesaver with my first two. But now, I’m too busy tackling laundry. And I do eat the blue cheese on my salad.
2). Good-bye birth plan. With my first, I read every. single. book about natural, epidural-free delivery. A lot of good that did me as I was being prepped for my C-section! I’m glad I read the books. Because had things gone to “plan” I would have known what to expect. However, I now know that birthing a baby is not a 15-point agenda. Now, my main objective is to “get this baby out safely.” I’ll ditch the plan this time around.
3). Hello C-section…if this is the course of action…I welcome you. Honestly, would I choose major surgery in lieu of a stitch-free delivery? Nope. However, if this is the course of action to be taken, then I welcome the opportunity. I am no less of a mother. I will not self-shame. It doesn’t mean I didn’t immediately “bond” with my baby. Heck, we’ve been bonding for nine-months. I will not look into my husband’s eyes with envy when I see his arms holding our baby for the first time. I had the absolute honor of carrying this baby for 40 weeks, and he gets the honor of being the first person to hold our baby. It’s pretty special to watch his face as our baby is handed to him. Plus…I’ll take pain pills this go around…I’d rather be pain-free than a hero.
4). I refuse to enter the debate…breastfeeding vs. formula, or the cloth diapers vs. disposable diapers, or even the debate about where baby sleeps. We are all mamas who make informed decisions about what is best for our families. I’ll trade war stories with you, but I’ll never try to convince you that my way is superior. When it comes to raising babies, there is no one right way. I’ll use the Ergo, you use the Moby, and we will meet on the playground with one thing in common…exhaustion.
Speaking of which…..
5). I’m stocking up on coffee and concealer. These two necessities are not often disused with first-time moms, but should be at the top of every registry list. My best friend has a shirt that reads, “These bags under my eyes are designer.” Yep. Mamas of newborns are sleep-deprived. It’s just a fact.
So for now….
6). Bring on a nap! Carrying a baby is exhausting, ya’ll! With my first two, I felt super guilty if I took a siesta. I’m supposed to be super woman, right? Now, I jubilantly lay my head down if a mid-day opportunity to snooze presents itself. For I know that after this baby is birthed opportunities to sleep (day or night) will be thwarted.
7). I have no idea where my copy of What to Expect When You are Expecting Book is located. Nor will I purchase a new one. I quite possibly have it memorized and know now that the moral of the story is to expect the unexpected.
8). Avocado, banana, pineapple? Hmm…I have no idea what size fruit my baby corresponds to at this point. You know all those super cute Pinterest pictures of women standing next to a chalkboard with gestational age + size of fruit? Yeah…that’s not me this pregnancy. To be honest, some days I even forget how many weeks I am far-along.
9). I had to slip into maternity clothes from the positive pregnancy test forward…. “Are you having twins?” Nope. “You must be due any day.” Nope. I’ve still got five-months left. Mamas, with your third, you’ve got to develop tough skin when it comes to people’s gawks comments about your size. On the flip side, I completely embrace these elastic pants and my voluptuous chest. But please…just don’t ever compare me to a dachshund about to give birth again. I still don’t understand that comment, but I do realize it’s not a positive association.
10). I cry at every single ultrasound. I cherish every single kick I feel in my womb. I gaze with awe at newborns. With my first I had no idea how much I would love the person growing inside my body, with my second I was worried my heart couldn’t expand to love another (it totally expanded). With my third, I realize that I’m about to meet a little one who I will love in such an extraordinary manner. By now, I know I’m carrying a precious life. It’s not just a baby but squeals on Christmas morning, “I Love you Mommy” on repeat, years of bath time bubbles, and late night snuggles. With my third, I fully realize I’m carrying the most amazing little thing in my womb. It brings me to tears — the wonder of it all. Being pregnant with my third might be different in many ways, but one thing is for sure, my heart is as excited and full of love as it was with both my first and second — perhaps even a bit more.
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This post was written by Sarah Philpott exclusively for BonBon Break Media LLC.