Plan Your Own Summer Day Camp

Summer is here and it won’t be long before the kids are telling you just how bored they are. You can plan your own day camp for practically free, and you will get loads of mommy time.
There really is no downside here!
When school is out, the first thing my kids want to do is absolutely nothing. That lasts all of about a week, then they’re “soooooo bored.” But summer camps can be expensive. Even the day camps around my house cost a lot of money, and you usually have to book them early because they fill up so fast!
Which is why I love the idea of coming up with a neighborhood summer day camp! It doesn’t matter if you have all sorts of age ranges either. Just remember that older kids love to help out with the younger ones, and they can even be junior counselors.
The best part of this plan is, you don’t have to come up with an entire week’s worth of ideas. All you have to do is come up with one day of activities for the kids. (And there is the amazing added bonus of getting some extra mommy time while the kids are having camp at the other houses!
It’s so brilliant, but so simple that you won’t believe you didn’t think of it first!
This idea could be a SERIOUS game changer for us this summer! It’s always a great idea to play to your strengths and this is an absolutely perfect way to do just that. ~Val
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