Mulling Spices by Happy Hour Projects

Mulling Spices
~:: Happy Hour Projects ::~
Now that the weather is turning colder, it’s nice to settle in with a hot beverage. This recipe and tutorial for mulling spices makes a great hostess gift, or adds a wonderful smell to your own home when you steep it in hot cider, juice, or wine for a special treat!
ABOUT ADRIANNE: Adrianne can be found at Happy Hour Projects, a website focused on crafts, recipes, and DIY-solutions that you can make or do in an hour or less. She’s the married mother of a two-year old daughter, and she works full-time. Her hour-or-less projects are designed to fit into even busy schedules! When she’s not enjoying time with her family, working, or crafting, Adrianne also runs a local writers’ group and enjoys writing fiction. You can keep in touch with her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram.