Motivated Little Skiers by Odyssey Outdoors

Who Else Wants Motivated Little Skiers on the Ski Hill This Winter?
~:: Odyssey Outdoors ::~
As parents we’re often in the business of sales. Take the scenario of your kids on a Saturday morning, warm and cozy, watching TV on the couch. If you ask, “Do you want to go skiing?” you know what the answer will probably be. If you don’t want no for an answer, don’t ask a yes/no question.
Instead, dare to utter the most powerful word in the parenting arsenal: Let’s. As in….
Let’s go skiing!
My husband was the master at ‘selling’ the idea of going skiing when the kids were younger and had practically a 100% success rate…
ABOUT DEBBIE: Debbie Steinberg-Kuntz is a licensed marriage and family therapist, mom of two young boys, avid hiker, skier, and camper. Her blog,, merges the power of family psychology with the fun of outdoor adventure. Debbie loves helping families figure out how to stay connected, active, and thriving. She loves getting outside in the mountains of the Pacific Northwest.
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