National Geographic Kids Fun Pack #NGKInsiders

One of the BEST perks about being a National Geographic Insider is the incredible flow of fantastic books to my mailbox!
You would think I would just hand these off to my kids, but I am going to let you in on a little secret:
I carried around 30 years of National Geographic magazines through 10 years of moving. They finally landed (and stayed) in my classroom.
Receiving these mail bundles with NGS on the label makes me SQUEAL with glee each time. Literally.
In the last couple of weeks, our conversations have largely consisted of Back-to-School supplies, but this particular Fun Pack sent my kids running!
Our latest collection looked like this:
This was the first book grabbed by my 8-year-old. He claimed this one as his own immediately. After a little cajoling, I convinced him that it would be a fun thing to add to our morning chat at the breakfast table (currently, we are introduced to a new bird every day via our Audobon Bird a Day Calendar). Birds and trivia, a pretty great way to start the day!
This was the next grab. He ran from the table and hopped onto the couch. (He was probably afraid that I would try to claim that one as well.) A steady stream of chuckles and snickers were heard from the couch and before long, he couldn’t help delivering a few:
Q: Some animal names have 6 letters, and some have 10 letters. Which animal names have 2 letters?
A: ALL animals’ names have at least 2 letters!
Q: Where can you find a crazy tortoise?
A: In a nutshell.
Ba-dum-bum-bum. Thank you. Thank you very much.
Our little lady, age 4, jumped in to grab the rest and there were choruses of “That’s Not Fair” chirping melodically through our home. Le sigh.
Time for me to grab ALL THE BOOKS because I need to do some research for work. HA! #MamaWins
Ok…now for the GOOD NEWS! You can win this entire set by entering below.
This is a really fun gift for your child’s classroom or for your family collection. These are also PERFECT for placing into those back pockets of your car seats for those times when a little extra entertainment is needed.
Here’s how you enter – just sign up for our newsletter.