Hurricane Sandy: Our Voices

BonBon Break

Blackened New York City Skyline via Flickr

Hurricane Sandy.  Its been almost a week and people still are without power.  Some have lost loved ones, belongings, and homes.  I watch the news and listen to the radio.  But there is something special about hearing accounts first hand, a gift our contributors bring to Bonbon Break.  These stories have no filters and no journalist’s opinions.  

Join us in this week’s heartfelt Front Porch.  Learn about the experiences of those in the storm, how they coped, and whether they found a silver lining in those tumultuous, intense grey clouds.


11.1.12 Weathering the Storm

~:: Diary of a Tomato ::~

It wasn’t a matter of if, more a matter of when we would lose power. With Hurricane Sandy approaching landfall, the lights began to flicker. By mid-afternoon Monday, we were completely cut off.







ABOUT DEBRA: Debra Kam blogs about food and gardening at Diary of a Tomato. She has a culinary degree, has cooked professionally, and is currently training as a Master Food Preserver. She’s a founding board member of Seacoast Eat Local, where she writes about local food and sustainable agriculture. Originally from California, she now lives in Maine with her husband and two cats, where she is still adjusting to winter and wearing shoes. Follow Debra on Pinterest or by RSS.


Sandy Aftermath

~:: Riding NYC with Amy ::~

We stocked up last minute, stood in hour wait grocery lines, and checked for batteries and flash lights the day Sandy hit. We took light of the situation basing the storm path off the American weather model and not the European weather model. So many left last minute and there were those that chose not to leave at all. Sandy turned into a hybrid storm of unprecedented size and intensity, with tropical storm force winds stretching over 1,000 miles across, making it the largest cyclone in the history of the Atlantic. As we look and hear of the destruction and the statistics, our family could not feel more thankful and blessed. A somber, yet grateful morning after, in our neighborhood of Williamsburg, Brooklyn.


ABOUT AMY: Amy, author of Riding NYC with Amy, is a wife, teacher, cyclist and city mom. She blogs about living a happy healthy lifestyle, parenting strategies from personal experiences, educational tips for parents, ideas for the family home, life in a metropolitan city with kids, and whatever inspires her while hoping to inspire you. In her spare time she enjoys cycling, reading, traveling, and finding the next adventure for her family, because family time cannot be a side note in today’s bustling world.
Find out more and follow Amy on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.


Power Down – The only up side of the hurricane

~:: Ice Scream Mama ::~

Hurricane Sandy has come and gone, leaving devastation as a “thanks for having me” parting gift. My entire town has no power. Massive trees lay heavily across streets, strung with power lines like a Christmas tree. Schools are closed… indefinitely. We’ve spent the last three days, hunkering down in our basement, then in our living room where we are lucky enough to have a gas fire place.

The house is cold. Internet and phones are out. Cell power is almost non-existent, although sometimes if you found just the right spot and stood with one arm out and your neck strained in the right direction while squatting low, you might, might just get service for maybe a minute. There’s no warm food or water, and my three boys are jumping all over each other in pent up energy, yet… It’s kind of nice.



ABOUT ALISA:  I am a SAHM of three delicious boys who I eat up day and night, except when they’ve gone a little sour, then they give me a bit of a stomach ache. Anyway, I love writing, I love reading. I love being active – running, biking, having a catch, whatever. My favorite treat is ice cream. Sometimes I have it twice a day. I decided I deserve it. You do too.
Follow me on Facebook or Twitter.


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