Everything Found In The Nothing of Dog Days by Pigtail Pals & Ballcap Buddies

My five year old is sitting on the couch, staring into space, making a dripping noise with his mouth and kicking his foot back and forth. He has been doing this for nearly twenty minutes. I have no desire to find him something to do, call over a friend for him, nor turn on a movie. Despite the myriad educational toys, puzzles, science kits, art supplies and books laying about, I will not be getting up from my chair to direct his attention towards any of it.
Empires of imagination are built on long stretches of uninterrupted time. So sit he will on this dog day afternoon, because in the apparent nothingness is everything.
ABOUT MELISSA ATKINS WARDY: Melissa Atkins Wardy is the creator and owner of Pigtail Pals & Ballcap Buddies, a company that offers empowering apparel and gifts to full of awesome kids at www.pigtailpals.com. PPBB was launched in 2009 and now ships orders around the world. PPBB has become a large social media advocacy group and popular blog on issues involving gender stereotypes and the sexualization of childhood. Melissa’s book “Redefining Girly: How Parents Can Fight the Stereotyping and Sexualizing of Girlhood, from Birth to Tween” will be published by Chicago Review Press in January 2014. Melissa is also an Exceutive Director of the Brave Girls Alliance, a think tank of experts, parents, and activists calling for better media for our girls. Melissa is a graduate of the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities and lives with her husband and two young children in beautiful Wisconsin. You can read her blog at: http://blog.pigtailpals.com or find her on Facebook and Twitter.