Dear Moms Who Hate Me

Hi, friends.
I had one of those nights. Those nights don’t happen all that often anymore.
My youngest [age 4] had a diarrhea night. You know… accidents in bed, constantly up and to the potty. And as a result, I found myself stumbling around the house in a haze for much of the midnight hours.
And now I find myself stumbling around the house still in that haze…. the haze of exhaustion. I collapse in the armchair with my coffee and exclaim to Chris, “I haven’t felt like this since I had a newborn!” As we proceed through math and onto English, all I could think about was nap time. And surely that run I had planned was not going to happen.
I am frequently asked, “How do you have the time, the energy, to train for triathlon or climb mountains in the midst of being a mom?!” And behind this sometime-sincere question I can see your real thoughts. I’ve made you feel like you aren’t doing enough.
You want to punch me in the face. I get that. And that is ok.
Why? Because I’ve been there too. I’ve silently cursed the mom in her yoga clothes, all refreshed from her workout while I juggled two dark circles under my eyes and barely had the energy to make my family dinner.
You mothers with newborns, you moms barely sleeping at night, don’t worry. You will be normal again.
You will have energy again.
You will see life through new eyes and color will return to your vision. I am amazed what a little sleep, or lack of, can do to our lives.