The Power of Calling Your Kids (Good) Names by Simple.Home.Blessings.

BonBon Break

The Power of Calling Your Kids GOOD Names by Simple Home Blessings

Our words can be used as a healing salve or they can be daggers to the heart and spirit of man. And I am constantly reminded when talking with my little ones how careful I need to be in choosing my words.

One of the almost unconscious things we started with our young ones from a very young age was to start encouraging the character traits we would like to see in them, the things that will make them acceptable members of society. And we have done this primarily with name-calling.

No. Not that name-calling. The kind of names we would like to be called. The names that connote quality character attributes and speak of the good parts of a person.

Leah from Simple Home BlessingsABOUT LEAH: Hi, I am Leah from Simple.Home.Blessings! I write a lot about homemaking related things. Since I was a stay-at-home-wife (yes, they make those these days) for 6 years before I became a stay-at home-mom, I am passionate about all topics related to making a house a home. I love to cook and bake. I love a clean floor. And I could just sit and look at a well organized room for most of an afternoon. But life with kids has informed my homemaking. I write a lot about the activities and learning opportunities we have with the girls. I still like to stretch my homemaking muscles, so you will still find lots related to that, but we write and talk about what we know, so lots of toddler and baby related things these days. I started this blog as an attempt to record the fits and starts, the successes and failures of making a home. It is the stuff I have learned, am learning, and have yet to discover.

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