Bye Bye Baby Talk: Toddler Words We’re Sad To See Go by Catharsis

Bye Bye Baby Talk: Toddler Words We’re Sad To See Go
~:: Catharsis ::~
I’ve written about it before, but as it consumes pretty much the 20% of my life not spent sleeping and working, it bears repeating: Little E can’t talk and Big A won’t such the FRACK up.
OK, so it’s a bit more complicated than that, but Husband and I DO spend a considerable portion of our time getting Little E to speech therapy appointments and working on his language skills at home while trying desperately to stop our ears from bleeding because of Big A’s incessant jabbering and ever-increasing list of questions (see figure A for specifics). But even though we want Little E’s speaking skills to improve and are glad Big A’s already have, there’s also a downside.
Those cute little baby words. We miss ‘em so much when they’re gone.
ABOUT LAURA: Laura is a wife, mother, teacher, and lover of humor. When she’s not neglecting the laundry and letting her kids watch too much TV, she’s busily grading papers, maintaining her blog, Catharsis, and drinking too much wine. Find her on Facebook at Catharsis: Parenting and stuff. With mediocrity and on Twitter.