Why I Apologize To My Kids

by Natalia Simmons of Ma Nouvelle Mode
Being a parent is hard. As I always say: We are imperfect parents trying to raise imperfect kids in an imperfect world. With no hand book or guide to see us through. With every kid being so different from the next. And even with our own emotions and frustrations getting in the way.
And I don’t know about yours, but my kids mess up a lot. They often do what they want when I know they heard what I asked them to do. They argue with each other and say mean things. They disobey from time to time. And sometimes they’re even rude and disrespectful. They get punished for it all, in some way or another, because it’s my job as a parent to make sure I’m raising good boys. Good boys that I pray will eventually become good, respectful, honorable men.
But what about me? Do I mess up? Sure. Do I lose my temper and yell when I shouldn’t? Yep. Do I say things that might be hurtful to my little people. Mmmhmm. Where’s my punishment? Do I get pulled aside and spanked? Or a time out or my computer or phone taken away? Nope. I can just move on from my mistakes, right?
Here is why I think it is important to take responsibility for my mistakes and how I handle apologizing when it comes to my kids.

ABOUT NATALIA: Natalia is a mom to two crazy boys and wife to one handsome dude. She lives in France part of the year where her husband plays professional basketball, but she hails from Southern California. The hubs was born & raised in Nassau, Bahamas, which makes them an intercultural, interracial family traveling the globe together since 2007. She loves to cook (but mostly eat), hang with her fam, be adventurous, & find ways to stay girlie in a house full of men. On her site you can find loads of hair tutorials, makeup ideas, & fashion tips for the everyday woman. She believes that beauty and fashion don’t have to be intimidating and that every woman should learn to embrace her own beauty.
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