25 Mini-adventures in the Library by Mama Scout
25 Mini-adventures in the Library
~:: Mama Scout ::~
We spend many afternoons at our neighborhood library. At one point our time switched from going to find particular books, to just hanging out.
For hours.
Reading, exploring, asking questions, sharing, talking….
I wanted to share a quick list of fun things you can do at the library other than just check out books. Any of these ideas would be a great boredom buster. Just tell your kid you have an adventure in mind and embrace the mission with verve. You will have a great time!
ABOUT AMY: Amy Bowers blogs at Mama Scout about big, creative family living. Featuring open ended projects, inspirational essays and resources, she aspires to give families the courage to create the life and adventures they want with their children. She is offering her first month long e-course, Mama Scout Lab in September.
You can connect with Amy on Facebook, Pinterest, Etsy, and Twitter.