15 Tips on How to Make Your First Quilt by Wild Olive

BonBon Break

15 Tips on How to Make Your First Quilt

~:: Wild Olive ::~

15 tips on how to make your first quilt - quilting tipsI made my first quilt. And I didn’t die. If you don’t know me, this might not seem like a big deal, but trust me. It’s a big deal. Sewing machines and I don’t always get along, and most of the projects I tackle are small and quick to finish. There was a very real chance that a quilt would be the end of me. But because I didn’t die, I thought I would pass on my new wisdom to you, so that you too can make your first quilt without dying.

mollieABOUT MOLLIE: Mollie Johanson began her blog Wild Olive as an outlet for creating whimsical works. Daily dreaming and doodling have resulted in a variety of embroidery and paper projects, most featuring simply expressive faces. Her work has been featured in Mollie Makes, Creative Keepsakes, Heart Felt Holidays, and more.

Follow her creative pursuits on Twitter and Pinterest.