10 Spooktacular Halloween Read-Alouds by Beth Panageotou

BonBon Break

10 Spooktacular Halloween Read-Alouds by Beth Panageotou

How does it start…trick or treat…smell my—book pages! That’s it! It’s almost Halloween and we have compiled a list of our favorite spooky, funny and clever stories. They are perfect for sharing with your ghosts, ghouls and goblins this year!

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 Room on the Broom by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler

 It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown by Charles M Schulz

 Angelina’s Halloween by Katherine Holabird

 Creepy Carrots by Aaron Reynolds and Peter Brown

 Click, Clack, Boo! by Doreen Cronin and Betsy Lewin

 Bedtime at the Swamp by Kristyn Crow and Macky Pamintuan

 Crankenstein by Samantha Berger and Dan Santat

 The Monsters’ Monster by Patrick McDonnell

 Frankenstein: A Monstrous Parody by Rick Walton and Nathan Hale

The Nightmare Before Christmas by Tim Burton


Which Halloween stories are your favorites? Please share in the comments below!


1174992_711259038900710_367737446_nABOUT BETH: Beth Panageotou is an Associate Editor at Bonbon Break.  With a background in public policy, education and business, Beth created the Mission Read campaign, an organic grassroots literacy campaign stressing the “need to read!”

Beth is an information junkie, has an obsession with seashells from the Jersey shore, secretly wishes to be JB Fletcher and loves the constant chaos of life with her two daughters! Bucket list item: to be on Sesame Street.

Follow Beth on Twitter: @epan11 @MissionRead | Pinterest | LinkedIn