Wild Mushroom Beef Stew Recipe by Cooking Melangery

Wild Mushroom Beef Stew Recipe
~:: Cooking Melangery ::~
Here is a beef stew recipe with the added complexity of wild mushrooms to give it some extra body and flavor. Neither the type of meat nor the choice of vegetables is vitally important, because this dish is very flexible. Add some celery if you like or potatoes, or other vegetables of your choice.
The dried cape is excellent added to a casserole or stock pot; it’s rich body carries its flavors well and allows it to stand up to other flavors and improve them. Meat stocks and onions go well with ceps. The mushroom and its extracts are especially well paired with beef, veal, pork, lamb, furred and feathered game, and with rice and pasta dishes. Its flavor is too strong to be used with fish.
ABOUT YELENA: I started my career in photography as a journalist, traveling around the world, learning about various cultures and traditions. Some of my favorites memories and influences range from the time spent with Tibetan monks to attending Kabalah conventions in Israel. I like finding that unique emotional moment, action shot, landscape or portrait and then follow the inspiration. I find just as much enjoyment in sitting by myself savoring that first cup of coffee in the morning to slaving over a hot stove cooking sophisticated meals for family and friends. When I searched myself to combine all the things I enjoy and marry them with my talents, I realized that capturing gourmet food is my passion. My photography is unique because it tells a meaningful story. My forte is to create, cook, style and shoot images for each recipe.
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