This Is Why We’re Here by Four Plus an Angel

There are spaces that choose us; spaces that, as soon as we enter, tell us we are exactly where we should be. It’s not just that we like what we see — the layout, the fixtures and the upgrades, we love how safe and comforted we feel. We’ve entered a space where we can visualize our future — where we can see adding on to our life. After years of searching for the perfect home, one mom and her family found an unmistakable sign telling them they were right where they belonged.
ABOUT JESSICA: Jessica Watson is the mom to five, four in her arms and one in her heart. After the loss of her daughter in 2007, she left the corporate world behind and found her writing roots again. She blogs with her heart on her sleeve at Four Plus an Angel and writes for sites such as the Huffington Post, Mamalode, Still Standing, Parade Magazine and and is the new(!!) co-producer of Listen To Your Mother Metro Detroit.
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