What to Expect When You’re Parenting…Adopting…or Not. by Hike. Blog. Love

What to Expect When You’re Parenting…Adopting…or Not.
~:: Hike. Blog. Love. ::~
Whether you are a seasoned parent, a parent through adoption or a newbie just starting out, we can probably all agree that parenthood brings many unexpected blessings and surprises. No matter how much your prepare for the journey, it seems that there are always new lessons to be learned. And what I now know for sure? Expect the unexpected, always!
ABOUT LAUREN: Hiking Mama is a nature lover, outdoor adventurer and mom to 2 boys adopted from across the globe-one who has autism. She believes adventure is for all and hopes to inspire others to get outdoors and connect with nature no matter the obstacles that may stand in the way. When not blogging about the outdoors, Hiking Mama uses her voice to advocate for the adoption and welfare of older, special needs orphans of the world. As both an adoptive mother and special needs mom, she is passionate about raising awareness in the areas that have affected her at a personal level, such as orphan care, family preservation, HIV/AIDS and autism.
On this blog you will see that we love to hike, camp, canoe, kayak, SCUBA dive, cave and explore new places. Most of all, we just love doing life together as a family.
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