The Motherhood Paradox by Sluiter Nation

BonBon Break

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The Motherhood Paradox by Sluiter Nation

Nothing portrays the epitome of ups and downs than motherhood. We are grateful for small hands and inquisitive minds yet small hands find things to go in mouths and thoughtful minds ask so very many questions. We lie awake waiting for small feet to come pitter-patting into our bedrooms in the early morning. Not long after, we might be longing for naptime. We mash and puree and find organic foods only to determine our child will only eat foods that are beige. We roll with the changes they throw at us and sometimes we wish the fight weren’t so staggeringly one-sided.

This raising children gig is constantly changing. Smiles lead to tears lead to huge grins at a mother’s proclamation of Look, I have snacks! It’s about learning how to go with the flow, its shifts and twists, its turns and pauses.

Motherhood is both joy and sorrow, happiness and sadness. Motherhood is the ultimate paradox.


katieABOUT KATIE: Just a small town girl…wait no. That is a Journey song. Katie Sluiter is a small town girl, but she is far from living in a lonely world. She is a high school English teacher, college adjunct instructor, freelance writer, mother, and wife. Life has thrown her a fair share of challenges, but her belief is that writing through them makes her stronger.

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photo credit: Lotus Carroll via photopin cc