Painting with Nature by Danya Banya

BonBon Break

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Painting with Nature by Danya Banya

Why not set your kids a challenge this weekend? See how many things they can find to paint with from within your backyard. Leaves, sticks, stones, seed pods and maybe a peg. Painting with such a variety of tools has it’s challenges. What bit will be the handle? Should a seed pod be pressed or rolled? And most importantly, do fingers count?

clickToContinuePainting with Nature by Danya BanyaABOUT DANYA: Danya Banya is a blog about everyday life as an Australian mum and her family bringing up two little girls who like to play, create, laugh and love. There is a focus on parenting (both the ups and the downs), frugal living, activities for children, kids art and craft, healthy(ish) food and recipes, and a bit of this and that (because life is a bit random sometimes).

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