Light and Healthy Cabbage Soup with Easy Cheese Toasts by Willow Bird Baking

Need to put a little healthy back into your life, we can’t eat like we did in December all year long!!! Try this magnificent light and healthy soup to get you back on track. Filled with the goodness that carrots, cabbage and tomatoes provide, you will want a second helping!! Don’t forget that yummy cheese toast too!!
ABOUT JULIE: When I was a little girl, I was in charge of the rice pilaf. I come from a family passionate about food: my grandma made the biscuits and gravy, my dad made the chicken and dumplings, and my mom made anything and everything, with a flourish of buttercream on top. My parents blazed a trail of fried chicken, homemade macaroni, and angel biscuits from their beginnings in the Midwest to my current home in the South (Charlotte, North Carolina).
That’s where I come from, and this is who I am: a believer, first and foremost, saved by grace. A writer in love with monumental, stirring images. And not least, a wrangler of ingredients and kitchen utensils. I love the challenge of a new recipe, and I love the community created by baking, sharing, eating, and communicating about food. I’ve got a warm space in my heart dedicated to impressing the people I love with something that tastes amazing.
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