Fear of Heights: A Metaphor for Motherhood by Work in Sweats Mama

Motherhood is tough. Sometimes it’s downright scary.
There are times when our children step close to the edge, and we desperately want to hold them back, to protect them from stumbling into danger. At those moments, we need to take a deep breath, set our insecurities aside, and focus on helping our children navigate the rocky patches.
And sometimes, we just need to let go. Once we do, we can see the beauty unfolding as our children reach new heights.
ABOUT NICOLE: Nicole Goodman is a full-time working mother of two. She is the caffeine-driven mind behind Work in Sweats Mama and a contributor to The Mother of All Meltdowns. After business hours, you’ll find her chasing her fearless two-year-old, verbally sparring with her precocious four-year-old, avoiding housework, seeking an endorphin high on long runs, and slurping down gigantic fountain Cokes.
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