Embroidery for Slackers and Free Light Bulb Pattern by Couple Jones

BonBon Break

Embroidery for Slackers

Hello! I’d love to share a little about my discovery of embroidery…when I get an idea for a project, I’m not really the kind of girl that sits down and researches or reads novels on the CORRECT way to do it. That’s not really my style.  I like to just sit down and try it out. That’s why embroidery is perfect for me (and you!). It’s a project that anyone can pick up and pick up quickly. There aren’t a ton of expensive supplies needed and the simple stitches are a piece of cake! My FAVORITE kind of project. This is my spin on a craft that’s been around forever. This is not your Grandmother’s embroidery! Even though Nana IS super talented.

Here are some simple stitches, the way I’ve used them in my home, and as a bonus, I’ve included a free pattern to get you started! Come on over!

EmilyJonesABOUT EMILY: Emily is one part of the husband and wife team that makes up CoupleJones.com. She is a wife of almost 10 years to Zac, a designer, and a stay at home mom to three little girls who make life so fun and chaotic and beautiful. Aside from taking care of the girls, Emily does family photography when her schedule allows and absolutely loves helping families capture and preserve the beauty in their lives. She also enjoys art, design, sewing, garage sale-ing, and any other random crafts or home projects that sound like they could be fun to try! Emily and Zac would love to have you follow CoupleJones.com at Facebook  and Twitter.


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