DIY TEACHER GIFT {flower pens} by East Coast Mommy
DIY TEACHER GIFT {flower pens}
~:: East Coast Mommy ::~
This is my favorite kind of project….. an easy and inexpensive DIY gift! My boys wanted to take something to their teachers on the first day of school, so I decided to make some pretty “flower pens”.
About Gina: (aka East Coast Mommy) blogs about her experiences as a SAHM mom of three small boys (which she had in 3 1/2 years!). Her blog provides: craft tutorials, organizational tips, ideas for activities to do with your kids, and more. She calls herself “a REAL mom” who likes things that are fun, easy, and inexpensive. Follow Gina on Facebook for East Coast Mommy, Facebook for Cute as a Button Designs and Twitter.