Coffee Filter Spray Art Bats by Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas

If you are looking for an easy Halloween craft that takes little time to prep, costs mere cents to make, is easy for little hands and still appeals to big kids too then you must try these Coffee Filter Spray Art Bats. The process is simple yet fun and the final product is definitely something everyone will be proud to leave “hanging around“.
ABOUT BERNADETTE: Bernadette is a teacher currently working part-time in the preschool setting. She has two daughters (ages 6 and 5) who are the inspiration behind her blog, Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas . Bernadette is a firm believer of the fact that learning begins at home and doesn’t end with the afternoon school bell. Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas showcases Bernadette’s adventures with her daughters. She emphasizes playful learning and discovery with the hope of instilling her daughters with a genuine love of learning.
Bernadette tweets as @Momto2PoshDivas and can also be found on Facebook and Pinterest.