Baby Gear You Need – and Don’t

I think the prenatal belief that we need to pack our house full of a bunch of baby gear is almost as overwhelming as the prospect of childbirth – almost.
After buying way too much baby stuff, then crying because I had too much stuff, then turning around and donating 80% of it a year later, and crying again because I had placed sentimental value on all of it, I decided to write a list, because lists make me feel better.
Following is a bare bones list of what you’ll actually use in the first few months after the birth of your bub – and a list of stuff that sounds wonderful in theory, but just ends up buried under the stuff you’ll actually use, feeling sad that it’s not being utilized.
Yes, you will need this:
You – Preferably topless, at least for the first few weeks – skin to skin, babies dig it. And if they can find some milk somewhere in the chest area, even better.
Baby – Another must have.
If all you have is yourself and your baby, you’re set. An amazing partner is pretty great too – especially if they’re adept at sandwich-making and water-bottle-filling.
Diapers – The above mentioned must-have is much easier to maintain with a few of these hanging around. Cloth or disposable – take your pick. Just make sure one of them is strapped on that tiny booty, or I’ll need to add ‘Steam Cleaner’ to this list, which I should probably do anyway.
Wipes – The jury is still out on how thoroughly you need to wipe up after a bit of tinkle in the diaper, but poop – I dare you to try and wipe up the residual of baby poo with dry toilet paper. And wet paper towels won’t do. Baby wipes are a divine gift sent from the baby gear heavens – or Amazon.
Water – Drink more water. Oh, you just drank some water? Go drink some more.
Even if you’re not breastfeeding (which requires an exhausting amount of water), it will help keep your crazy postpartum hormones balanced, wash away the post-bloat, and gives you something to dip a paper towel in if your partner forgot to pick up baby wipes.
Tissues – Lots of tissues. Keep handy for leaky eyes and leaky boobs.
Clothes and/or Blankets – But not too many: a few onesies, a hand-me-down snowsuit (if you live in the snow), and two blankets will suffice. Or just dress them in diapers and tissues.
Patience – I know, I know, so annoying to have someone tell you to “just be patient.” But, parenthood will smack you with the requirement of this trait whether you want it or not, and unfortunately you can’t buy it on Amazon.
Car seat – You need a car seat.
Did I mention patience?
Ice Cream – If you’re breastfeeding, you’ll be burning around 500 extra calories a day. Why not replace them with some Double Sticky Chocolate Fudge Fro-Yo? If you’re not breastfeeding, you still birthed a baby, so go pick up a pint, or a gallon if it’s the weekend.
Grains of Salt – To take with everything you hear/read that doesn’t come from your intuition.
A Dust Buster – Because your baby will turn into a toddler. And, if you accidentally spill the bottom of a box of crackers on the carpet while trying to hold your baby, water, ice cream, and patience, you just may cry when thinking about lugging the vacuum out of wherever it is. A dust buster is easy.
No – just say no:
Baby Wipe Warmer – The warmed wipes are usually cooled by the time they reach baby’s hiney, and they dry out quicker in this warming box. That means you may be left with half a stock of wipes that are as useful as a stack of neatly folded dry toilet paper.
Baby Shoes – Yes, these are adorable, and I once put my infant into tiny moccasins for a photo shoot, emphasis on once. Babies can’t walk, and if it’s cold outside, I’ll bet a cozy pair of socks will suffice. But, this is where those grains of salt come in. If you come across a pair of tiny-bitty-so-adorable-I-must-buy-them baby shoes, get em’ girl.
Unsolicited Advice – (This article doesn’t count, right?) If you see someone coming at you with that look in their eyes, feel free to raise up your hand and say, “No thanks! I’m good. Carry on.” You’ll likely be saying this to strangers as frequently as you do to “the knowns.”
Nursing Pads – That’s what the tissues are for.
Expensive Tiny Trendy Clothes – This piggy backs on the shoes. As cute as miniature faux fur vests, fedoras, and tutus are, you won’t get more than a few uses out of them. Babies turn into big babies very quickly. Grain of salt.
There you have it. Now go out and buy what you want!
Head to the Family Room
This post was written by Bailey Gaddis exclusively for BonBon Break Media, LLC.