Top 10 Tricks For Stay-At-Home Moms To Turn A {Bad} Day Around from Moments a Day

BonBon Break

Top 10 Tricks For Stay-At-Home Moms To Turn A {Bad} Day Around from Moments a Day

When the thought of “It’s turning out to be a bad day” pops into my head, I try to remind myself that there are no bad days. Every day has its challenges, its highlights and its downfalls, but if we have been blessed to have another 24 hours to live and to learn then, for this, we must be grateful and find the good within.

But it is not always to get past that “bad day” mindset, to do something to turn the day around, and to move on to make it a “good day.”

Here’s my top 10 list for turning the day around (to be used as a future reference by myself and by any other stay-at-home mom who wants to do the same).

On these days I will…

chelseaABOUT CHELSEA:  Chelsea Lee Smith is the mother of two boys and blogs at Moments A Day sharing activities, ideas, and resources for families to connect, build character, and make a difference. She believes in using small moments throughout the day to help children learn how to use their head, heart, and hands to make the world a better place. Chelsea believes in positive thinking, but she also likes to keep it real. For practical inspiration for the whole family, follow Moments A Day.

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