The Non-Football Family

“If ten percent of mothers in this country would begin to perceive football as a dangerous sport, that is the end of football.”
These words were spoken by an NFL team doctor responding to arguments that playing football can cause brain damage. The NFL doctor didn’t see it that way; he was more concerned about that ten percent and the ruin of his industry.
And so the NFL lied to us for years. They refused to look at the evidence—the autopsied brains of former NFL players—and they told us, they told their own players, that helmets work, that they prevent brain damage. They told us that the players, and therefore our children, were safe.
But the connection between repeated blows to the head and brain injury is clear. And the connection between NFL players and brain damage has become clear. What’s not yet clear, apparently due to lack of study, is the effect of youth football on children. Are you part of the 10%?

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