Spring Lamb Craft

Spring is starting to show its face and we’re gearing up our first visit of the year to the farm to meet this years lambs, piglets and chicks. In anticipation of the visit and the seasons changing we are busy getting crafty and finding activities to welcome and embrace Spring. Of the symbols of Spring that you could use for inspiration Lambs are one of the most iconic at least in the UK where as soon as you are out in the countryside the fields are filled with little white clouds running and jumping around. Using simple materials from around the home you can create a lamb face mask.
With a base of a paper plate and using cotton balls, you have an easy to make lamb mask that kids can use for Spring dress up and play. What’s more come Christmas (yes I did actually write Christmas at the start of Spring) you will have all the skills to make one when your little one ends up as the Lamb in the Nativity play.
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