5 Responses That Work With Children by Carrots Are Orange

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When I came across this post from Marnie Craycroft at Carrots Are Orange, I knew we had to include it in the Family Room. What parent hasn’t wondered how to response when their child starts talking about boogers and poo at the dinner table? Or struggled to find the right words when their kiddo gives up too quickly? And what about tattling? Marnie has wonderful, simple responses for all of these situations and a couple more. You can bet I’ve started using some of these gems with my own kids. Read on! ~Ellie
Marnie writes: “I am not the perfect parent. I try really hard though. I read a lot. I heed advice from many friends and family members. So, here are five effective responses (honed down from many, many more) that I’ve tested with my sons.”

ABOUT MARNIE: Marnie writes Carrots Are Orange, a blog she started in 2010 after the birth of her first son. She hails from Maine, a wonderfully down to earth place to grow up. Marnie moved to the west coast in 1999, and is currently living in Seattle with her husband and two young boys. She is pursuing Montessori certification in early childhood.
Marnie can be found on Facebook , Twitter, Pinterest, and Google +.