KEEP IT SOCIAL the week of July 25 in review
This past week was BlogHer, which has been called the Superbowl of Blogging Conferences. However, when you consider that there were 5,000 women (and some men) with SmartPhones and Twitter accounts. Things got a little CRAZY! There were so many hysterical tweets and fun Instagram pics and I thought I would share a few. At the end of this post, there are some of our favorite pics from our #SnapNtap Instagram Daily PhotoChallenge. This month’s theme is PLAY…each and every day!
First, Twitter…
Remember, #Blogher13 ain’t Vegas, whatever you do, somebody will Instagram, Tweet, Facebook or Vine you doing it 😉
— Jean Parks (@geekbabe) July 21, 2013
Great discussion at #BlogHer13 and thanks to @LisaStone! It’s a new day for women. In 2014, we will no be a pre-existing condition! — Kathleen Sebelius (@Sebelius) July 25, 2013
“@BonbonBreak: Be a your own super hero w/ @LourdsLane @CHIX6ROCKS #BlogHer13 Hell Ya!”I second that hell yeah! Much love! Xo — Lourds Lane (@LourdsLane) July 28, 2013
I need to know that y’all saw my #toonswag by @littleanimation #blogher13 — Arnebya Herndon (@whatnowandwhy) July 30, 2013
You are the result of the five people closest to you. Be careful who those five people are. @brit #blogher13 — Katie Pinke (@katpinke) July 27, 2013
No offense to the glamorous Queen Latifah, but once the readers started, I forgot she was there. Writers rule. #BlogHer13 — Neil Kramer (@Neilochka) July 27, 2013
“We should call it ‘artisinal’ publishing, not self-publishing.” @GuyKawasaki #BlogHer13 — Cecily Kellogg (@Cecilyk) July 26, 2013
Have so much extra room in my suitcase, I could almost pack the kids…ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha no. #BlogHer13
— Carisa Miller (@mcarisa) July 25, 2013
Remember, #Blogher13 ain’t Vegas, whatever you do, somebody will Instagram, Tweet, Facebook or Vine you doing it 😉
— Jean Parks (@geekbabe) July 21, 2013
And on to Instagram…
Hope to see you out there in Twitterton and Instagramville this week!