Just Say No to Training Wheels by Tales of a Mountain Mama

BonBon Break


Just Say No to Training Wheels by Tales of a Mountain Mama

As a generation, most of us grew up learning to ride a bike with training wheels. However, the truth of the matter is that training wheels only teach children how to ride with training wheels, and there is a better way.

Balance bikes are hitting our county by storm and are resulting in very fast little 2 (or 3 or 4 or 5) year old riders who are ready for pedals well before the age of 5. While each child is very different, the benefits of learning on a balance bike go much further than just biking. Self-confidence, independence, balance, strength and flexibility reach all areas of their little lives.

My post touches on the (many) reasons for ditching those training wheels and how to do it. And no – it’s not too late if your child is older (but the earlier, the better!)

AmeliaTopHdABOUT AMELIA: Amelia lives with her husband and three young children (2 boys and a baby girl) in Yellowstone National Park. She and her family live each moment to the fullest, with the belief that life is precious. Together with her husband, she encourages adventures for their kids in the form of skiing, hiking, biking, running, camping and lots of outdoor playing. Amelia writes at Tales of a Mountain Mama in an attempt to inspire others to get outside daily too with tips and tricks, stories and lots of gear reviews and giveaways.

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