December’s theme: GIVING
We are throwing a different spin on this holiday season. Instead of more wish lists and gift guides, we are focusing on giving. It seems that oftentimes, we get caught up in what we want to receive; however, we want everyone to think about what they are offering to others.
In the spirit of this theme, we would like to introduce you to WaterAid America, this month’s sponsor. WaterAid works in the world’s poorest countries helping communities to set up and manage practical and sustainable water, sanitation and hygiene projects. They also campaign locally and internationally to change policy and practice to ensure water and sanitation’s vital role in reducing poverty is recognized.
Now THAT is giving.
Let’s talk about the details…
The theme is “Giving.”
Think of all the ways we can give to one another, to our kids, to our families, to our pets, to our schools, communities, non-profits, neighbors, strangers, those who are in need, those who have too much, the elderly, babies and the person behind you at Starbucks. Feel free to play with the theme as well!
Here are a few cliches to think about:
Give the go-around
Give and take
He’d give you the shirt off his back
Give pause
Give a wide berth to
He’d give his right arm
Give him a dose of his own medicine
Give the benefit of the doubt
Give space to time, and time will fill space
Forgive and forget
Don’t give a damn
Give a damn
Give him a little goose (oooh!)
Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about
Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime
Give peace a chance.
Give them an inch and they will take a mile
Don’t give up your day job
If given a shaft, make a car
You get what you give
We’ve got to give 110%
Give it the old College try
Give it a rest
Give him the boot
Give him his ticket out of here
Give him a way out
Frankly Scarlett, I don’t give a damn.
We are looking for content for each of the rooms, so bring your inspiration, your soapbox, your advice, your recipes, your amazing sense of humor and let us know how YOU are going to interpret this theme. Share it with us. We are taking TWENTY-FOUR posts this month. Yes, 24!
Submit your brilliant (and edited) post here.
What are we looking for?
- Content to fit into the themes of each of our rooms.
- Original posts in clean and edited format. We follow AP Style guidelines.
- Submissions that reflect our mission.
- Essays / recipes / activities / hacks between 300-600 words.
- Readable format with paragraphs of three-to-four sentences max.
- If you are submitting a Word doc, please add your name and the name of your post within the text of the document.
If you have images to go along with your piece, please include them with your submission.
We will count page views using Google Analytics after 60 days.
At the end of 60 days, you will earn one of the following:
*$50 for 0 – 9,999 Pageviews
*$100 for 10,000 – 49,999 Pageviews
*$150 for 50,000 – 99,999 Pageviews
*$200 for 100,000+ Pageviews
Yes, you could earn up to $200 depending on how many page views your post receives by the end of the campaign. We will pay within 75 days of your post going live.
Shout Outs
We are so grateful to WaterAid for sponsoring “Giving” for December. We ask for the chosen writers to:
- Mention your post on your site.
- Share your post via your social media channels.
- Say “Hi” to WaterAid via Facebook and Twitter.
Submit your post here.