9 Ideas for Nature-Based Learning at the Zoo by Go Explore Nature

9 Ideas for Nature-Based Learning at the Zoo~:: Go Explore Nature ::~
When my kids were younger (read: sitting in a stroller or running amok), our visits to the zoo tended to focus primarily on identifying and naming critters. Their attention span didn’t allow for much more than spying one animal, then moving on to the next exhibit as fast as humanly possible.
These days, we do a whole lot more than that.
And in spite of the fact that I’m not formally trained as a classroom educator, I’ve figured out a few ways to turn our visits into fun learning opportunities that extend well beyond our time at the zoo.
If you’ve ever wondered how to turn a visit to the zoo into something the kids will remember long after you’ve left, you’ve come to right spot! Read on for a few of my tips for sneaking in some nature-based learning at the zoo.
ABOUT DEBI: Debi Huang is a Los Angeles-based wife, mom and adventure guide for two young boys. Her blog at Go Explore Nature is all about getting kids and families outdoors and connected to nature – whether in your own backyard or beyond.
Follow Debi on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest.