7 Beginner Chores for Kids

Liz Nieman

Today I am so excited to feature Liz, from Love and Marriage.  She and I approach beginner children’s chores very similarly.

No chore charts.

No rewards for doing their jobs.

No coaxing to or reprimanding.

Just a family working as a team to get stuff done!

The trick to this plan, is finding chores they can do independently.  That’s where this post rocks!  Here, she gives us 7 chores that any child can do!



When it comes to chores for my kids, I’m starting out small.

I don’t use a chore chart or a daily list of things that need to be done, I just encourage them to help when the opportunity arises and provide them with ways they can be a part.

If I am doing chores then I have them help me with these beginner ideas.

I don’t want to wait until they are older and then suddenly thrust them into responsibility.

So, here are 7 Beginner Chores that I believe ALL kids can do!

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7 Beginner Chores for Your Little One - get them started today!


Liz Nieman is just a mom trying to keep it real about how little she sleeps, how often she gets puked on and how much she loves them. You can find her writing about real-mom moments on her blog, Love and Marriage.