10 Simple Tips to Teach Gratitude

Chelsea Lee Smith

We are thrilled to be featuring Chelsea from Moments a Day in the Family Room.  Her blog focuses on thoughtful parenting and character development in kids.  I chose her post “10 Simple Tips To Teach Gratitude” because it’s the time of year when gratitude is so important.

We learn to say thanks at Thanksgiving, but then comes Christmas when kids can really struggle with being thankful.

It’s not uncommon for a parent to wonder why their child can’t just be grateful for the things that they get for Christmas.  I’ve seen many parents get frustrated because their child complains that they didn’t get the thing they wanted the most for Christmas, or it wasn’t the right toy.  Parents are left wondering why their child can’t just be grateful for the things they did get.

The best way to handle this situation is by teaching gratitude beforehand and making it a normal part of a child’s life.

So it’s time to focus on practicing gratitude within the family to help children be grateful for the wonderful things they do have in their lives, even when they don’t get exactly what they want.

Gratitude can bring joy to life in nearly every situation.  When one is mindful about all they have to be thankful for, they are more content with daily life as well as more willing to share what they have.

The best way to teach children to have an attitude of gratitude is for parents to model it and consistently discuss what they are thankful for in everyday life.

But, it’s also a good idea to have some fun activities that focus on gratitude that you can do as a family.

In this post, Chelsea offers 10 simple (and fun!) activities and crafts that can help your family explore this important value.





Chelsea Lee Smith is the mother of two boys and blogs at Moments A Day sharing activities, ideas, and resources for families to connect, build character, and make a difference. She believes in using small moments throughout the day to help children learn how to use their head, heart, and hands to make the world a better place. Chelsea believes in positive thinking, but she also likes to keep it real.