Do you have a FABULOUS piece that will help our readers:
2) SIMPLIFY their lives?
3) Feel CONNECTED to the global community of moms who are going through the SAME thing as you?
You do?! AWESOME!
We have a new process, so read carefully…and THANK YOU for being on this page. We look forward to reading your content on BonBon Break.
At BonBon Break, we scour the web to feature the most talented writers on the internet. If you are a writer with a powerful voice or know someone whose work should be read, we invite you to submit a post.BonBon Break welcomes three types of submissions:
Featured posts: These are linked to our writers’ sites for the full content. We feature a teaser, graphic, link to your site, headshot, bio and your social media links. Example.
Original posts: We also run original pieces written exclusively for BonBon Break. Example
Syndicated posts: These are posted first on the author’s site and then run on BonBon Break. Editing usually takes place. Example.
– shares an introductory post on their site, adds our badge to their site, shares the post via their social media networks.
– shares other posts from the site the week that their post is featured.
– submits a well-edited post on time.
– is open to editing suggestions and understands that the content will be running on a site other than their own. As a result, the editor from that site has the final say because they know their mission, standards, formatting and audience best.
– follows us on all of the social media channels they hope to be shared on.
NOTE: We will not run content just to share a link back to your site. Please don’t ask.
Front Porch: Your opinion about the world-at-large or the latest buzz from your neighborhood.
Kitchen: Simple and healthy recipes galore!
Family Room: Parenting tips, advice, inspiration and humor.
Bedroom: Beauty, fashion, fitness and self-improvement. Remember, we want to keep it simple!
Playroom: Kids Activities and all forms of play. The kind where you can use items you already have at home.
Backyard: Where we aspire to get our readers outside. You will find everything from camping, gardening and hiking tips and more.
Ok, now think…what type of post are you going to submit? Featured, Syndicated or Original? AND which room are you submitting to? Now GO…