Enough is Enough. Listen to These Women. Speak Up.

Val Curtis

There is nothing I can say. These women are saying it all. I KNOW these women. LISTEN and then SPEAK UP! Get their voices out there. Use whatever platform, community group or social media account you have and speak up.

Brandi Jeter

Luvvie Ajayi

Amber Dorsey

Amiyrah Martin

A’Driane Nieves

Is that not enough? Watch this. Watch this young man as he breaks down because his father has been shot, point blank in the head. Speak up. Do not wait for police reports or public opinion. Speak up.

If you have a video you would like to add to this conversation, leave a link in the comments below.

These women have to stop fearing that they are going to lose their sons, husbands, fathers, brothers, nephews and friends. Speak up.
