Rockin’ 140 Characters by Momaical

BonBon Break

Rockin’ 140 Characters

~:: Momaical ::~

twitter rockin 140 charactersA long, long time ago in a land far, far away there was something known as “The 80’s”.  Those who survived it still carry the scars from the shackles of pegged jeans, jelly bracelets and occasional Aqua Net to the eye.  A time, when should you wish to express your adoration for a celebrity – you had to embrace your inner Cyrano de Bergerac.  And send the prose via carrier pigeon.  (Where do you think the name “Twitter” came from people?)  Thank goodness for progress. This is that story:

tracyABOUT TRACY: Tracy Winslow is a SAHM trying not to raise a flock of assholes.   Besides crafting cocktails with Zoloft, Tracy can be found cursing, crying into her coffee over her stretch marks, Ouija-boarding her deceased metabolism and blogging humorously about her children and life at, as well as Twitter @Momaical, Facebook




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