How to Make Kindness Cootie Catchers by Coffee Cups and Crayons

BonBon Break

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How to Make Kindness Cootie Catchers by Coffee Cups and Crayons

Image by: Megan Sheakoski

There are tons of different ideas  you can write under the flaps depending on your kids ages and where you are playing with your cootie catchers.  I think it’s always good to ask for their ideas first before giving any of your own–you may be surprised at what they come up with.

Megan Sheakoski Profile PicABOUT MEGAN: Megan Sheakoski is the creator of Coffee Cups and Crayons, a blog that shares fun and useful ideas for modern parents. She believes that small, intentional acts of kindness {and really good coffee!} can change the world.

You can follow all of her learning activities, kids crafts, and party inspiration on Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, and G+.

 Click to see more from the Playroom

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