Green Skeptics, Sharing, Lookin’ Good & Small Gifts

BonBon Break

It’s Not Easy Being Green (especially if you live with a skeptic)

~:: Accidentally Green ::~

Sometimes not everyone in your family may agree to make green choices. What do you do if you’re convinced you need to make healthier decisions, but the people you’re living with think you’ve gone off the deep end?

There certainly are many approaches to take in this situation. You could always demand that healthy changes be made right away. But it’s not very effective to completely offend your spouse, children, or roommate when you throw away their favorite, yet toxic, shampoos, toothpastes, or travel mugs.



ABOUT HILARY: Hilary writes about making healthy decisions that honor God and happen to help the environment at Accidentally Green. A former newspaper editor, Hilary recently released her first eBook, First Bites: How To Instill Healthy Eating Habits During Your Baby’s First Year. When she’s not writing, Hilary loves spending time with her husband and two young children. Together, they enjoy cooking, baking, entertaining, and going on adventures together.

Follow Hilary on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

Are You an Over-sharer or an Under-sharer?

 ~:: Ups And Downs Of A Yoga Mom ::~

Taken by her 6 year old son (see the thumb in the frame?)

It is dark and rainy, the windows are open and the air conditioning is finally turned off after months of over exertion. I’m reflecting and taking inventory on my life, as I know my birthday is looming around the corner.

I’ve been listening to the words of my yoga teachers and have noticed the word truth repeated frequently. I’m honest with myself, but how open am I with others?

There are two types of people in the world: the over sharer and the under sharer.


Beth Prystowsky is a grateful mother, wife, yoga teacher and writer at Ups and Downs of a Yoga Mom. She is striving to raise calm children in a chaotic world.
You can find Beth on Facebook and Twitter.




How to Look Good While You Get Your Ass Kicked

 ~:: Ice Scream Mama ::~

You know the girls that just know how to work it when they work out? They’re sporting the latest in Lululemon, lightly perspire and squat nice, strong and low, like they’ve spent the last few years birthing babies alone in the Outback. I am not one of them. I huff, puff and sweat like an old woman having a hot flash in ratty maternity clothes circa 2005, while desperately trying to keep up with the class and the Jones’. It’s not pretty, but it sure is funny…





ABOUT ALISA:  I am a SAHM of three delicious boys who I eat up day and night, except when they’ve gone a little sour, then they give me a bit of a stomach ache. Anyway, I love writing, I love reading. I love being active – running, biking, having a catch, whatever. My favorite treat is ice cream. Sometimes I have it twice a day. I decided I deserve it. You do too. Follow me on Facebook or Twitter.



The Gift I Found

 ~:: Let Me Start By Saying… ::~

Parenthood has a way of filling our days with battles.

Getting our kids to do what we want them to, need them to. Making the hard decisions that will make them better people while hoping they don’t mimic our own flaws.

Every day is an internal battle of trying to raise them right, keep them in line, not be too hard, not be too soft.

Are we doing more right than wrong?

When will we find out?

Then a moment comes that tells us everything we need to hear, whether we see it coming or not.



ABOUT KIM: Kim is a writer, blogger, mom of two and wife looking at her suburban life wondering what the heck just happened. Her blog Let Me Start By Saying earned her the title Circle of Moms Top 25 Funny Mom in 2011 & 2012, and has received attention from sites such as Babble, HuffPostParents, NickMom & BlogHer.

When not sharing amusing lists on the blog, working on her Young Adult novel’s manuscript, or causing cheeky laughs in a weekly humor column at InThePowderRoom, Kim can be found on Facebook & Twitter.