Banishing The Should Mama by Creative With Kids

BonBon Break

Banishing The Should Mama by Creative With Kids

It’s definitely after midnight when I hear her crying. Again.

This isn’t one of those times she’ll just drift off back to sleep. It’s the third (fourth?) time she’s awoken crying. I’ve been up and down all night – just falling asleep only to be awoken again.

She’s got to be sick…I don’t feel a fever…what’s going ON!?

I sit by her bed, exhausted, foggy, trying to get her back to sleep, trying to figure out if she’s had a nightmare or if she’s about to puke in my hair. Perhaps she’s getting a cold….?

I’m so tired. I’m pleading, “Please, Z, Mama is tired and she wants to go to bed. Can you go back to sleep now? Please?”

And then The Guilt starts. (It’s 1 am – do you know where your guilt is?)

You know, says the voice in my head…

You should stop telling her about how tired you are – it’s teaching her to put others’ needs ahead of her own.

If you were doing this right you’d come up with a story right now to help her fall asleep. She would always remember how kind you were at night. You should be like that.

For that matter, you don’t read picture books to her enough. You should read to her more.

For goodness sake! She fell asleep listening to the Harry Potter with her brothers. I think maybe you’re ruining her toddlerhood. I bet she’s crying right now because she’s having terrible Harry Potter nightmares.

You should.

You should.

You should.

You……you know what?

You’re probably ruining your kids.

You should…

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ABOUT ALISSA:  Alissa Marquess is a homeschooling mom to three and writes Creative With Kids. She blogs about intentional parenting and simple ways to create connection everyday through crafts, activities, and play.

Chat with her on Facebook, or join her on Pinterest where she was named one of 20 Must Follow Moms!